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The Lyrebird’s Voice – DIGITAL ACCESS
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Jayde Kirchert, Peter Rutherford

The Lyrebird’s Voice – DIGITAL ACCESS

Digital Access From 23 May – 23 November 2025

A family-friendly opera about the power of your voice.

Have you ever heard a lyrebird’s call? You may have, but mistaken it for something else – these ornate birds are expert copycats, mimicking all sorts from kookaburras to camera shutters.

In this family-friendly opera, one trickster lyrebird goes a step too far and gets in trouble with their friends in the flock. The other birds banish the lyrebird and curse them: never again will the lyrebird be able to use their own voice. From now on, it’s mimicry only.

Alone in the bush, the lyrebird meets a quirky assortment of Australian animals, where they discover the power of being different. With performances in the outer suburban ring of Melbourne, audiences will meet beetles, a wombat, a kangaroo, a ringtail possum, a jittery emu, all manner of native birds, and a cunning cat.

This sweet story was developed by Peter Rutherford and six youth participants of the New Work Opera Studio 2023. Told with colour, Australian spirit and a big dose of humour, this opera imparts important lessons on identity and the ways in which we use our voice.

  • Streamed live on the performance date and available on-demand for six months from the original stream date.
  • You can watch when you want and as many times as you want.
Digital Access Subscription Buy Digital Access

Creatives & Cast

Creative Team

Conductor Carlos del Cueto
Director Elizabeth Hill-Cooper
Designer Ishan Vivekanantham




Victorian Opera Chamber Orchestra

Ticket Information

Ticket Prices

Digital Access Subscription (2 + shows)

Price Type
Digital Access
Subscription (per show)
Want to book tickets?

Digital Access

Price Type
Digital Access
30yrs & Under
Want to book tickets?

Digital Access can be purchased as a subscription or individual performances. All Digital Access performances can be viewed live and on-demand for an extended period following the initial stream date as many times as you wish.

You only need to buy 1 Digital Access ticket per household, not a ticket for each person watching.

Digital Access ticket orders include a $1.50 (inc. GST) processing fee per order.

2025 Concession include: Pension and Health Care Card holders, Full-time Students, and MEAA Members. Other Discount prices available: Senior, 30 Years and Under.

Phone (03) 9001 6400 for assistance.

Ticketing Assistance

Do you need assistance with your ticket booking? We are here to help. Contact us via and tell us how we can help you. We will take care of the rest.

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